Helpful Resources

SCAPE Simplified guide for Abstract.pdf

Abstract Tips

SCAPE Simplified guide on writing a scientific paper.pdf

Manuscript Writing 

Proposal, Manuscript format.pdf

Research Proposal 

Manuscript Writting Infographs.pdf

Research Writing Steps

Designing Data for collection.pdf

Data Collection

Designing Data for collection

Response to the reviewers letter Form.pdf

Response to reviewers

Response to the reviewers letter Form


Academic Phrasebank 

The Academic Phrasebank is a general resource for academic writers. It makes explicit the more common phraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ of academic writing.


Annotated journal 

Advanced_and_Multivariate_Statistical_Methods-2017 3.pdf

Decision-Making Tree for Statistical Tests

SPSS-SCAPE session 1.pdf

SPSS Handout 

Upon completion of the sessions, you will be able to: